A more sensible
approach to motion design

Subscription-based motion graphics for brands of all shapes and sizes.

We’re doing things a little a lot differently.

Bring your brand to life with unlimited top quality motion design, custom-made for you.

Subscribe to the tier that makes
the most sense for your needs.

Submit as many
requests as you want.

We work on each request
until you’re happy.

What we do

We bring brands to life through carefully considered, custom motion design and animation.
We specialize in brand asset animations and “snackable” motion materials for screens of all sorts.

How we do it

No endless e-mail threads.
No wondering about project status.
Manage tasks in your shared Trello workspace. Add requests, see the one we’re
currently working on, and which ones have been completed and approved.

(Very) limited meetings.
We value your time and the time we spend working on your projects. But we don’t just say it, we made it a core part of how we operate.
Because of the complexities and endless variation of animation, we understand talking through things is necessary sometimes.
But we limit meetings to one 15 minute call per week, after an initial intro call.
We protect your time and ours by spending it doing what you’ve hired us to do - the work!
Add requests, assets, and feedback in Trello, then get back to the other
million things you need to get done while we get to work.

Unlimited requests. Unlimited revisions.
Our working process is a mix of friendly, functional, and efficient. When we finish a request and it’s ready
for review, you get notified automatically.
If you have revisions just add them to your Request card and we’ll get right on it.
We work on each request until you’re 100% happy.

Who we’re great for

Businesses / Brands / Agencies that often have motion design needs, but not enough to justify the expense of a full-time employee, an expensive studio, or a full service video post-production house, but also want to leave behind the recurring pain of finding good, reliable (and available) freelancers.

In-house creative teams or studios that need external animation help to lighten the load, but don’t want the recurring hassle of finding good, reliable (and available) freelancers.

Design / branding studios that want to include motion graphics / animation in your service offerings to customers, but don’t have the capability in-house, and don’t want the larger expense of a full-time employee or the recurring hassle of finding a freelancer.

Content creators who have recurring motion graphics needs for their YouTube channel or social feeds, but don’t want the poor quality of Fiverr, but also don’t want to pay traditional agency rates. You’re too busy to constantly track down available freelancers — you need someone on deck who can handle your needs quickly with top quality.

Anyone who has grown tired of the old way… endless calls and meetings, never-ending project runways, inefficient use of time and resources; anyone who often needs top quality motion graphics work throughout the year, but also wants to move fast and get things done.

Why you’ll love us

A more sensible approach
It’s no longer the 20th century — we loved “Mad Men” but maybe there’s a better way. We know that not every motion design need requires the slow, painful process of doing things the old way. You’ll work with reliable talent with a proven track record, within a limited-meetings, hurdle-free system to get great work in less time at a fraction of the cost.

Guesswork? Gone.
Budgeting made way simpler. Pay the same fixed amount each month, quarter, or year. Submit your requests. See what we’re actively working on. Work within a clearly defined communication system with healthy expectations on all sides.

Painless and powerful
No more hunting down fast, reliable (and available) freelancers or animation studios for tasks that need to get done quickly. Work with a known and trusted collaborator who’s at your disposal when needs arise.

Kinds of projects

Infinite possibilities. Unlimited ways to bring your brand to life.

Logo animation

Your brand mark brought to life for web, video, social, and all screens everywhere. Here are some logo animation options we did for Google Cloud, Athena Health, and Wizardly Design Studio.

Brand assets

Countless brand assets can benefit from motion, becoming more engaging and more memorable when brought to life. Product marks, platform features, icons, category illustrations... you name it.

If it’s part of your brand offerings, we can bring it to life. Here are some fun shape-based icons we animated for Zendesk.

Series titles / animated typography

Whether for video, web, social, environment digital signage, or anywhere in between, we love bringing titles and typography to the forefront with beautiful animation. Here’s one we designed and animated for Reddit’s “Ask Me Anything” video series.

App animations / Motion for video

Need animated assets for your app, YouTube vids or social reels? We can help. Whether it’s an app Intro, like this one we animated for TinyBop, or bumpers, transitions between clips, outros, and more - we can create custom assets over transparent backgrounds for you to incorporate into your content edits in whatever way you wish.

Other unique motion needs

We get it -- sometimes you have a specific need that doesn’t fit into any neat category. And that’s OK!

If it’s design moving around, chances are in our 15+ years of industry experience, we’ve done it, or something like it.

Schedule a call to see if MotionShop is a good fit.

Subscription plans

Tier 1


Animation / motion utilizing existing assets, supplied by you.

$3,995 / month

$3,745 / month if paid quarterly

Tier 1 includes:

• Any of our Kinds of projects
• Unlimited requests
• One request at a time
• Fast turnaround times
• Super easy credit card payments
• Pause or cancel any time

Tier 2

Design + Animation

Design, animation / motion utilizing brand assets we create.

$7,495 / month

$7,085 / month if paid quarterly

Tier 2 includes:

• Everything from Tier 1, but we handle design as well as motion

One-time packages

Logo animation

Animation of existing logo and brand-mark assets.

$4,995 (one-time)

What’s included

• Up to five animation options of main logo mark
• Two rounds of revisions on chosen route
• Logo sub-mark(s) animations
• Super easy credit card payment
• Multiple file formats delivered

Who this is great for

Anyone who may not have recurring motion design needs throughout the year, but wants to bring their logo or brand identity to life with animation.

Whether for use on web, socials, video, presentation decks (the list goes on), motion can make your brand visuals more compelling and more memorable.

Additional one-time packages coming soon…

  • The answer is why we exist in the first place — we think there’s a better way. After 10+ years of working in animation and advertising, we saw so much wasted time, energy, and money. So many brands are still doing things the 1950’s way… pitches, months-long award schedules, bloated bid sheets and stretched out calendars. We think we can do things differently.

    What this means for you is a far more affordable, efficient, and pain-free way of sourcing top quality motion graphics from problem solvers you can trust. If you have recurring motion design needs throughout the year, signing with an agency or studio is very expensive. We’re offering a different, more nimble option.

    Unlimited requests per month, one request at a time, with unlimited revisions until it’s just right.

  • A full time, senior level motion designer will typically cost you upwards of $100k per year (or much more), plus benefits, job perks, etc., not to mention the wrench-in-the-gears process of hiring and onboarding — and that’s if you can find a reliable person!

    A freelancer using a day rate adds up extremely quick, and you might not always have a steady stream of work available for them to justify the cost. It’s also incredibly difficult and draining to find good, reliable, professional talent, who’s also available right when you need them.

  • We understand that motion design and animation can be much more complex than graphic / web design. That’s why after an initial briefing call to make sure we’re a good fit for your needs, we make it easy to share assets, documents, files, briefs, via a Trello board we set up just for you.

    If it can be linked in Trello, it can be sent to us. Don’t want to type things out every time? No problem - link a Loom video to share feedback or direction that way.

  • Logo animations, bringing brand icons or assets to life with motion, moving content for social media — these kinds of light lifts can normally be done in a few days.

    However, the best answer is: it depends. Since motion graphics can be used in so many ways to do so many different things, there can be tons of variation from one request to the next. We’re happy to give a time estimate for each new request you have!

  • We design in Adobe Illustrator and animate in Adobe After Effects.

  • No problem. You can pause or cancel your subscription plan at any time.

    When you pause, you’ll finish out the remainder of the current month, but will not be charged for any following months until you resume your subscription.

  • MotionShop is actually a husband and wife duo, with over 14 years of industry experience. You’ll be working with us directly on all your projects. We also bring in trusted collaborators for larger requests.

  • Not a problem - we’ll keep revising the work until you’re 100% satisfied with the end product.

    We also build check-ins and key milestones into our process so you’re not surprised with “final” animation work on delivery day.

  • The MotionShop model is unique, and only works for a certain kind of client. Waste and inefficiencies are cut out as a core aspect of our business model. We find that this actually encourages our customers to be more prepared, more equipped, and more setup for success. We find we pair best with partners and clients who are ready to move fast and get things done!

    In fact, we have found that most requests do not even require the one call per week!

    That said, if you try it and decide it isn’t a great fit, you can pause or cancel your membership at any time.